Signed in as:
Signed in as:
By purchasing admission, registering for or participating in event activities/shows/competitions and/or entering the premises, attendees agree to all regulations, restrictions and guidelines as set forth below and/or duly posted by Texas Fleece and Fiber Festival and/or regulations as set forth by Hill Country Youth Exposition Center, Kerrville, Texas.
Statement of Non-Discrimination
Texas Fleece and Fiber Festival do not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, creed, religious or sexual preference, or physical or other disabilities with regard to volunteers, participants or any person associated with or attending the Festival.
Statement of Liability
All activities of Texas Fleece and Fiber Festival (Festival) taking place on the grounds of the Hill Country Youth Exposition Center shall be under the immediate control and direction of the Texas Fleece and Fiber Festival or representatives thereof, or chairperson(s) and/or superintendent(s) for that event or activity, but the Festival, Texas Fleece and Fiber Festival and Hill Country Youth Exposition Center shall not be, in any case, held responsible for any type of loss, injury, actions or damage that may occur or be experienced by exhibitors, vendors, customers, volunteers, students, onlookers, participants or attendees. Texas Fleece and Fiber Festival take no responsibility for any activity assuming, claiming or advertising an affiliation with the Festival which does not take place within the limits of the Hill Country Youth Exposition Center and within the posted daily schedule of the Festival.
Each exhibitor, vendor or persons displaying for educational, exhibition or instructional reasons any animal, item or product will be solely responsible for any consequential or other loss, injury or damage to, or occasioned by, or arising from any animal or article exhibited by any said person, and shall indemnify the Texas Fleece and Fiber Festival and Hill Country Youth Exposition Center against all legal or other proceedings in regard thereto, as well as damage or injury to any other person(s) or property caused by the exhibitor, vendor, or person(s) displaying items for educational, exhibition or instructional reasons, or any of the animals exhibited by persons or arising out of, or in any way connected with such exhibition of any of the animals, products or items exhibited, displayed or offered for sale.
The care, feeding, safe handling and safety of all animals brought to the Texas Fleece and Fiber Festival shall be the sole responsibility of the person or persons exhibiting, displaying or managing such animals, including sheep for display, entered in competition, or for educational purposes; dogs entered in a stock dog trial or stock dog demonstration; or any animal as part of or incidental to a vendor display. Exhibitors and handlers must provide their own feed, bedding, and water for animals in their care. The Texas Fleece and Fiber Festival shall provide exhibitors, handlers and vendors with assigned space for their displays and exhibits subject to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed. By providing such space, the Festival shall not insure, nor be responsible for, the safety of such animals, or the person or persons tending them.
Accepted Entries
In all cases, the Texas Fleece and Fiber Festival reserves the right to reject, accept, or conditionally accept any entry and does not guarantee space in any show, trial or display barns to any entry, as it is intended that only such animals shall be entered and shown as have merit, will be a credit to both the exhibitor and Festival, and are judged not to pose any health risk to other livestock, their handlers and other exhibitors. In all matters related to acceptance of entries, decisions shall be at the discretion of the superintendent in charge of the respective activity, show or exhibition. Any exhibitor who knowingly makes a material misrepresentation may be barred from all future competitions at this event.
Texas Fleece and Fiber Festival
Event Location: Hill Country Youth Event Center, 3785 TX-27 Kerrville, TX 78028